Incredibly, One Simple ‘Approach’ Can Make Vanguard Pay You TRIPLE YOUR MONEY… In Any Market! Fellow Mutual Fund Investor, If you’re interested in tripling your profits on every dollar invested with Vanguard, you’ll want to read this message from beginning to end. And do it right now. You may think that getting Vanguard to pay you triple is a Herculean feat. How on earth can you begin making $3 for every $1 earned by the average Vanguard investor? Vanguard offers more than 180 mutual funds, which can make choosing the right one a daunting task. And, let’s face it; Vanguard’s funds come in all varieties. Some are very good funds, others average—and some could stand a lot of improvement. That’s why, in just a moment, I want to talk to you about my top Vanguard funds—the ones you can build your entire portfolio around. If your profile is like that of the “average Vanguard investor,” I have evidence that making one simple change to your Vanguard portfolio can catapult your profits -- no matter what happens over the next few months. This picture says it best… Dash Ahead during the Boom… and Stay Ahead of the Rest During a Bust All told, we banked an extraordinary $1,421,561 MORE than the average Vanguard Investor since 1991. |  | Over the last 27 years, the average Vanguard investor did OK by turning $100,000 into $728,725 (see blue line)… My readers, on the other hand (see red line), saw exceptional performance. They managed to turn the same $100,000 — into a massive $2,150,285 treasure chest! Over a $1 MILLION differential… accumulated over the 27 years that I’ve been writing The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors. See the green arrows? They represent extra “profit wedges” enjoyed by those who followed my Growth Model Portfolio. These wedges are most pronounced during buoyant stock markets like the one we’re experiencing now. But notice how you stay way ahead of the crowd even during downturns. In fact, the cumulative profit differential now stands at a whopping $1,421,561. (In case you’re wondering, that’s an eye-popping $52,650 PER YEAR!) Wouldn’t your retirement dreams look brighter with an extra million dollars in your account right now? So, What’s the “Approach” that can have Vanguard Paying You TRIPLE? Meet Dan Wiener | “America’s leading expert on investing in Vanguard funds” Daniel P. Wiener is editor of The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors, a monthly newsletter that keeps abreast of recent developments at Vanguard, and the annual FFSA Independent Guide to the Vanguard Funds. Through his newsletter and guide book, Dan helps tens of thousands of Vanguard investors choose wisely among more than 180 Vanguard mutual funds. The Independent Adviser is a 5-time winner of the Newsletter Publishers Foundation’s Editorial Excellence Award. Mr. Wiener is also founder and chairman of the Fund Family Shareholder Association and chairman and CEO of Adviser Investment Management, Inc., an investment advisory firm. He previously spent almost a decade writing about personal finance for US News & World Report and Fortune magazines. Mr. Wiener has also written for The New York Times and other national publications. In other word, Dan knows his stuff! Why not make this your most lucrative year ever at Vanguard? NOW is the time to start making bigger profits at Vanguard at just $34.95 for 3 months plus 3 months FREE. | | | Like millions of Americans, I love the Vanguard Group’s family of low-fee funds and ETFs. I need to warn you, though. Vanguard’s popularity comes with an extremely dangerous downside. Vanguard is GIGANTIC. With an estimated 16,000 employees… 180+ U.S. mutual funds and ETFs… more than 20 million investors… and more than $5 trillion in assets worldwide… It’s way too easy for little guys — those with, say, $500,000 or less invested — to get overlooked or simply ignored. Fact is, things are always changing beneath the calm surface at Vanguard. New funds and ETFs are opening and closing all the time, managers play musical chairs, and portfolios are in flux every day of the week. Vanguard doesn’t want you to see this turmoil. You may be shocked to hear me say this. But I honestly believe up to 95% of Vanguard’s offerings are disappointingly average (at best)… ho hum… even downright inferior. But as a completely independent adviser, who also happens to have my own money on the line… I’m free to be a thorn in Vanguard’s side. To call foul each time I see the little guy getting screwed. It’s been happening a lot… Why Wait? Download My Brand New Special Report for FREE:  A Timely Benefit for All Vanguard Lovers — and a $47.95 Value. | Vanguard’s showing poor judgment on a number of crucial fronts. Funny thing, though. I’ll bet you haven’t heard even a whisper about any of these things. Nope, not on their website… not in their newsletters… and nowhere in the small print. It’s up to me to blow these stories wide open. Let me share just one example with you. A Merger of Equals? Don’t be Fooled… Back on February 21, 2014, Vanguard finally shuttered one of their all-time worst growth funds, Growth Equity, and moved its assets and its managers over to U.S. Growth. As far as I can see, there is nothing positive about this news — except for the fact that Vanguard gets to erase Growth Equity’s horrific track record from its books. How bad has it been? Take a look at the chart below. Adopted by Vanguard in June 2000, the fund was on a roll, as its “I’ve never seen a growth stock I didn’t like” managers at Turner Investments took shareholders on a wicked ride that took the fund down 68.7% during the tech implosion. Ouch! Shareholders never fully recovered. Then when the financial crisis hit, the fund went even LOWER — plummeting to a new all-time-low of -69.2% by February 2009. OK, so killing Growth Equity will temporarily relieve its remaining shareholders of their collective misery. But it’s a huge black mark on Vanguard’s record of picking strong managers. I’ll never forget it. And neither should you. “Forewarned is forearmed,” as I say. As for the merged U.S. Growth fund, I’m skeptical. Looks like we’re being handed a watered-down, over-managed monster. Incredibly, my research proves this new ‘mega-fund’ has 5 management teams at the helm — with FIVE completely different investment viewpoints. And this motley committee won’t actually meet to discuss the fund and its portfolio, but will simply keep doing things the way they always have. Talk about a recipe for (continued) disaster. I’d like to suggest one or two much better alternatives for you. In fact, I’d like to give you a FREE copy of my new report, Vanguard Award Winners: Best & Worst Funds for 2018. In it, you’ll discover all of the details on my top 8 Funds for ‘supercharging’ your Vanguard profits This report is yours FREE — simply for responding to this special introductory offer of just $34.95 for 3 months plus 3 months free - 6 months in ALL. Snafus, Secrets, Silences and Monumental Screw-Ups My point is Vanguard won’t tell you what to make of any of these crucial developments. Not on their website… in their newsletters… or any of their inadequate disclosures. Sure, they’ll tell you what happened — but not what to do about it, except maybe to “stay the course,” which works for them, but may not work for you. I’ve gotten to know Vanguard’s public relations strategy very well over the years. Investment strategies are changed and fund managers come and go — sometimes voluntarily, sometimes not — with little fanfare and practically no explanation, other than attempts to reassure shareholders that everything will be ok. I’ve never heard Vanguard actually criticize anything they or their managers do. I could go on and on with hundreds of other changes at Vanguard I’ve ‘scooped’ up over the years. And that’s exactly what I do for loyal subscribers to The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors. Sure, some may seem downright trivial. At first. But then they start impacting a fund’s direction — or growth prospects. That’s when a ‘hope-and-pray’ method falls on its face. Know what? It could happen anytime. Active is the Way to Go It’s high time you give up being a PASSIVE Vanguard investor… and joined the thousands of ACTIVE, ENGAGED Vanguard investors crowding my membership rolls as part of The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors. Luckily, there are still plenty of bright spots over at Vanguard. As I’ve already hinted, teaming up with the brightest, most impressive fund managers is priority #1. NOTE: Many of my favorite funds have great returns and are very tax-efficient. In my newsletter, I periodically do a comparison of tax efficiency and after-tax returns among all Vanguard funds. | For example, the moment you join The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors for today's special offer of just $34.95 for 3 months plus 3 extra months free,, you’ll see why Don Kilbride is one of my all-time favorite fund managers. Large-cap dividend payers are his specialty. When Kilbride’s right on a stock or two, he’s got a knack for being VERY right. He told The Wall Street Journal: “Management has two obligations to shareholders… to create value by improving return on capital, and to distribute value by paying a dividend or buying back stock.” Active management of a small cluster of large-cap dividend payers is a smart strategy. No wonder I have utmost confidence that Kilbride and his analysts will outperform over the long haul. I’m always on the lookout for… - A SINGLE manager with a STRONG TRACK RECORD
- a TIGHT portfolio
- a SOLID strategy of investing in companies with exceptionally strong balance sheets
Discover More Answers When You Download Your FREE PDF Copy of: 
| Remember, it's superior active managers who make money for us. Unfortunately, Vanguard seems to be working really, really hard to keep you from understanding that it's individual managers who run their active funds rather than some anonymous human being. What you need is a comprehensive and truly independent partner to safeguard your portfolio. My readers and I have weathered many markets together over the 27 years that I've been writing America’s premier Vanguard newsletter. My Model Portfolios have held their own quite nicely—because we’ve made smart decisions whether markets got fearful or frothy. The active managers we've invested with, and the smart diversification among them, have helped us generate returns that are almost 1.8% per annum ahead of 500 Index since inception. One of our Model Portfolios in particular has paid out an EXTRA $52,650 IN EXTRA EARNINGS ON AVERAGE — PER YEAR, FOR THE LAST 27 YEARS! You can take that to the bank. Today, I’ll make it as easy as 1-2-3: - You accept the quarterly subscription to The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors for the super-low price of just $34.95 plus 3 months FREE.
- I’ll rush you my BRAND NEW special report called Vanguard Award Winners! Best & Worst Funds for 2018. Everyone else pays up to $47.95… but you get it FREE as my gift when you join me today.
- Each month, you take a few minutes to review the newsletter I send you. Then simply “tweak” your Vanguard portfolio, if necessary, as recommended for maximum returns.
Will you do that for me? I hope so — for the sake of achieving your retirement dreams. “No One Cares More about My Money Than ME!” I’m not your normal armchair investment analyst. I’m passionate about what I do. And I know better than anyone else how to use Vanguard’s vast arsenal to generate phenomenal profits. Far in excess of what you can expect to earn by yourself. Meet Jeff DeMaso | “You also get a top-notch scholar and researcher in your corner” Jeffrey DeMaso is Co-Editor and Director of Research for the multi-award winning Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors private advisory service. Together with Dan Wiener, Jeff spends hours each and every week researching all of the latest activities and news developments within the Vanguard family of mutual funds. If it impacts your portfolio, count on Jeff to raise a red flag. His market views and opinions have appeared in such publications as USA Today, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Barron's, InvestmentNews, and Kiplinger, to name a few. Jeff graduated magna cum laude from Tufts University with a B.A. in economics in 2006, holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the CFA Institute and the Boston Security Analysts Society. He also leads the analyst team as Director of Research for Adviser Investments, LLC. To benefit from Jeff’s latest research and analysis, accept a risk-free trial subscription to The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors for just $34.95 quarterly PLUS 3 months FREE - that's 6 Months total. | | | On any given day, only 5% of Vanguard funds are good enough to earn my AAA, gold-standard rating. That’s where MY money is — and it’s where YOUR cash should be, too. I sing Vanguard’s praises when it’s justified… But I’m quick to snap at their heels when they go astray. It all goes straight into the pages of my one-of-a-kind newsletter, The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors, which I launched in 1991. I’m humbled by all the positive feedback I’m getting… “I learned more about Vanguard in thirty minutes than I had in the previous several months from Vanguard’s own publications!” — H.P.H., Long Beach, CA “[I like Dan’s] clear, frank, realistic comments backed by sound track records! It gives me confidence about my own retirement portfolio structure.” — R.W., Hamilton, MA “I am more in control of my own investments without brokers/financial planners trying to “sell” me everything.” — S.B., Fair Haven, NJ “Dan’s unambiguous and well balanced advice is a great aid to my decision making and planning.” — G.H., West Hartford, CT “[Dan] gives me insight into Vanguard that Vanguard [itself] won’t give me.” — R.D., Morristown, NJ As a longstanding Vanguard investor myself, I demand answers to the hard questions. And I’ve made a firm promise to my subscribers — and to myself — to be as independent and transparent as possible. For example, potential conflicts of interest always get under my skin. I’m not a public company like Morningstar, of which Vanguard owns more than 2.5% of all the outstanding shares. And I don’t take fees or accept advertising from Vanguard or anyone else. Independent to the core. That’s me. Watch Your Vanguard Profits TRIPLE — for an Investment of only $34.95 So what’s it take for you to become a subscriber to The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors? One click will get you there. - Each Thursday, you’ll receive your very own Vanguard Hotline sent by email. Inside you’ll find an update on the market, economy, and Vanguard, plus highlights on our existing holdings, and any new latest developments on my watch list.
- Exclusive news updates posted to my members-only website… when I simply can’t wait to include them in my weekly bulletin.
- Full 24/7 access to our exclusive members only The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors website, jam-packed with my latest analysis, advice and recommendations.
Password-protected access to the exclusive ‘Adviser Online Forum’ — a meeting place for like-minded investors, both experienced Vanguard investors and newcomers. - …And, of course, each month you’ll receive my newsletter chock-full of everything you need to know about Vanguard — but were afraid to ask. The good, the bad, and the downright ugly.
- All for just $34.95 for 3 months plus you get 3 months FREE - 6 months for just $34.95.
Inside each issue, you’ll receive: - My Performance Review of all Vanguard’s funds (mutual funds, ETFs, and variable annuities) for retail investors complete with Buy, Sell and Hold ratings
- Timely and URGENT interviews with Vanguard’s top fund managers
- Vanguard Fund distribution schedules
- My proprietary risk and return analysis
- Plenty of notice when my research shows a new fund is opening
- Advance warning when I’m convinced a fund is facing closure
- My top alternatives when funds do close
- My analysis of overall market conditions and key trigger events on the horizon
- A ‘deep-dive’ on performance results for all four of my model portfolios (as a reminder, that’s my Growth Portfolio… my Conservative Growth Portfolio… my Income Portfolio… and my Growth Index Portfolio which is designed for investors who want to index exclusively)
Frankly, could it get any better? Your FREE ‘Vanguard Award Winners’ Special Report Worth $47.95 — My ‘Thank You’ for Signing up Today When you respond today, as an extra incentive, I’ll rush you my NINE favorite funds for making this your best year at Vanguard so far. It’s called ‘Vanguard Award Winners! Best & Worst Funds for 2018’. Remember, Vanguard offers hundreds of funds (180+ at last count) to retail investors. Many are bland… most are mediocre… But you’ll strike gold with these exclusive super-funds. But you really need my Special Report to get started. You won’t find this exclusive report anywhere else. But it’s yours FREE today — simply for responding today. This list price is $47.95, so you’ve already scored a major bargain by getting it FREE. But hold on. There’s one more thing you need to know… We're not finished with your free gifts YET! You’ll also get a free 30-day test drive of our proprietary Independent Vanguard Fund Analyzer. It’s the very same tool that Jeff and I use to analyze the latest information related to the Vanguard funds (the good, the bad AND the ugly). The Fund Analyzer gives you interactive access to all of our proprietary Vanguard research and analysis. You’ll get a complete profile of every single Vanguard fund we cover (180+ and counting), all of the managers and management firms, how long the fund has been in existence, annualized and cumulative performance statistics, tickers, share class and minimums. You’ll get to run your own queries on the fly, comparing two funds or indexes using measures like relative performance, check a manager’s long-term returns, or measure the correlation between your top Vanguard holdings. So if you’re a ‘Vanguard Enthusiast’ who: - Enjoys having the full details on all of your investment decisions…
- Regularly browses the Vanguard website looking up funds…
- Occasionally asks your broker or Vanguard rep for detailed information before making a change
- Ventures onto Morningstar’s site for more stats… perhaps even paying for Morningstar access…
…then our Fund Analyzer is right up your alley. And you’ll get to check out all that it can do absolutely FREE for 30 days. If you like what you see in the Fund Analyzer, and feel as we do – that’s it’s the perfect complement to your Independent Adviser service – do nothing and when your free trial ends we’ll automatically renew your subscription at the discounted annual rate of $199. The best news? You’ll lock in that price for good. Better yet... Try It Out on My Dime. I’m Assuming All the Risk. There’s no need for you to hesitate. I’m willing to give you valuable insurance in the form of a 30-Day Every-Penny-Back Guarantee. Take 30 days to ‘test drive’ The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors… to make sure you like what you see or... Simply contact us within your first 30 days, and I’ll ensure you are refunded every penny of your subscription. Right then and there. No ifs, ands, or buts. I offer that guarantee because I want you to know I’m 100% committed to making you PERMANENTLY RICHER — beginning right now. So can I rush you your free Exclusive Vanguard Report and get you started today? Sincerely,  Daniel P. Wiener Editor, The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors
P.S. Be honest… Is your Vanguard portfolio ready for a market dip of 10% over the next few months? Why take a chance? It will never be easier or as cost effective to join The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors for the next quarter. P.P.S. Don’t forget. My brand new Special Report worth $47.95 goes out immediately to all new members: Vanguard Award Winners! Best & Worst Funds for 2018. 
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