LAST CHANCE! Your $551 Discount Ends At 5 p.m. RSVP Now Fellow Investor, I have to be honest, I’m shocked I haven’t heard from you. So let me be blunt: If you miss this chance, you are turning your back on one of the most important market calls I’ve made in the last ten years. The massive market shift now underway affects every stock, ETF, mutual fund you own. Now, I’ve only made a few calls like this in my career. One was in 2013 when I issued a major Buy Alert like I’m doing today. People who listened to me then were able to turn $100,000 into $1.2 million in about one year. Those are once-in-a lifetime profits… The kind of profits that let you retire a few years early…buy a bigger boat…take that round-the-world trip…or put the kids or grandkids through college debt-free. The kind of profits that give your family true financial security. Close your eyes and imagine for a minute how it would feel to tell your family that you turned four $100,000 trades into an incredible $1.29 million windfall in less than a year… Amazing, right? And I believe the opportunity in front of us right now is even bigger than that. But you don’t have much time to get on board. The special invitation I sent you to try Accelerated Profits is about to end. I must hear from you by 5 p.m. in order to lock in the huge discount I’ve offered you. This is by far the lowest possible price we can offer and once it’s gone I’m not sure you will ever see it again. If you miss this opportunity and decide to join us later, I guarantee it will cost you more. So if you have any interest in trying my proven, powerful Accelerated Profits service, RSVP now to lock in your savings before this offer closes for good at 5 o’ clock. I Must Hear from You by 5 p.m.! As I’ve been telling you, I’m making a MAJOR shift in my strategy for the rest of 2018 and 2019. And this is your chance to go for windfall profits in a matter of months, not years. You see, my proven system has just flagged 5 NEW elite U.S. growth stocks that could be some of our biggest winners yet. Each one is positioned to profit from the red-hot U.S. economy and the flood of money pouring into U.S. equities from overseas right now. These five stocks are perfectly positioned to deliver big profits as foreign money continues to flood into American stocks. This massive shift in money flow into U.S. stocks will be the #1 story for 2019. And my system has pinpointed a small group of stocks set that are perfectly positioned to deliver big profits as a result. Each of these stocks has earned the coveted AAA-rating it takes to make our buy list. These rare stocks offer mind-boggling sales and earnings growth, lower risk and have clear momentum that’s driving them higher. That’s how these AAA-rated stocks can deliver outsized growth in just three to twelve months. Windfall Profits In 12 Months or Less Using this proprietary system, we have racked up 245 winners in five years. Imagine how your nest egg would grow if you were banking 49 winners a year…year after year. But here’s the most exciting part…an incredible 176 of those winning trades have been for double or triple-digit profits! That’s right…my readers have pocketed double or triple-digit profits on over 70% of our winners. Remarkable. Here’s a small sampling… - UP 487% in Vipshop
- UP 109% in Fang Holdings
- UP 87% in Seiko
- UP 52% in Macatawa Bank
- UP 39% in Michael Kors
- UP 43% in Drew Industries
- UP 81% in Santarus
- UP 42% in Cray
- UP 53% Vimicro International
- UP 35% in Patrick Industries
- UP 40% in Silicon in Motion
- UP 50% in Coleman Cable
- UP 96% in Ceasarstone
| - UP 209% in Bitauto
- UP 153% in Subaru
- UP 58% in Nexstar
- UP 46% in Dot Hill Systems
- UP 44% in Jazz Pharmaceutical
- UP 88% in Noah Holdings
- UP 44% in TAL Education Group
- Up 38% in Stewart Info. Services
- UP 43% in Virgin Media
- UP 68% in Shire Pharmaceuticals
- UP 40% in NXP Semiconductors
- UP 68% in China Distance Education
- UP 94% in Avago Technologies
| And keep in mind that we locked in those huge profits fast. We own these geyser stocks for an average of just six months. That list, by the way, doesn’t even include any of the big gains we’re sitting on in stocks we still own. Now, I can’t reveal too much about my current recommendations—that wouldn’t be fair to my current subscribers—but I’m talking about gains of 55%… 61%… 85%… 99%… 108%… 122%… 151%… even 275%. When you can pinpoint exceptional stocks that deliver 30-300% profits time and time again, it adds up to blockbuster results most investors only dream of. This is your chance to get on board with a brand-new crop of AAA-rated stocks that are about to explode higher. Before I show you how to get immediate access to all the details on my top five small and mid-cap U.S. stocks to buy now, let me tell you why it’s urgent that you act on the information in this briefing immediately… The pressure is already starting to build under these stocks as we speak. And if recent history is any indication, you don’t have much time before they explode higher and move out of reach. It’s critical that you make your move now, ahead of the smart money. Don’t worry, I’m going to give you access to everything you need to get on board quickly with my top picks. That includes detailed instructions on when to buy and at what price. It’s all laid out clearly in my new report, “5 Elite U.S. Stocks Set to Explode.” To make sure you get on board quickly, I’ve decided to give you immediate access to this report FREE along with a trial to my Accelerated Profits service. This service is where I work with investors like you day in and day out to discover these geyser stocks before they erupt for big double- and triple-digit gains. And this is your chance to try it! Here’s the thing…most people won’t take me up on this incredible opportunity. Fears about where the market is headed will keep most investors from following the advice in this briefing. That is a huge mistake. And I know they will regret it six months from now. I’ve heard from more readers than I can count who are kicking themselves for ignoring my buy signals over the last few years because they let the financial media’s doom and gloom scare them away from the market. Don’t let that happen to you! This is your last chance to act on this special invitation and lock in your savings. If I don’t hear from you by 5 p.m. today, you will miss out! Click here to RSVP now. Please Don’t Make this Mistake… Forget what fake news is trying to sell you about the market right now… The talking heads on TV spend hours upon hours trying to whip investors into a frenzy with their fear mongering and negativity. Wannabe “gurus” make outrageous claims about the sky falling to get their five minutes of airtime. The bull market is “old” and can’t last, they say. But they couldn’t be more wrong. The sad truth is that most of them have been saying the same thing for the last eight years. And they missed out on making tremendous amounts of money as this market has exploded higher, just as I said it would. Today I’m telling you this bull market still has room to run. The recent pullback was a healthy and much needed “breather.” I think it sets the stage for another big rally for what will likely go down as the greatest bull market of our lifetimes. I’ve shown you all the facts. I’ve told you why this is one of the greatest stock market and economic environments we will ever see in our lifetime. I’ve shown you the flood of money—from tax cuts, stock buybacks and money flows from international investors—pouring into U.S. stocks. I understand the recent pullback can be unsettling. But don’t let that short-term blip keep you from one of the best market opportunities of your lifetime. Even if I’m dead wrong and we see a correction, it doesn’t matter. That’s the beauty of this system… It works in up and down markets. This method of buying and selling stocks returned more than 50% per year from 1998 to 2003. That was one of the worst bear markets in history. The “geyser stocks” we’re buying don’t need a rising market. When this intense buying pressure builds under elite growth stocks, the kind of eruptions I’ve been showing you are unstoppable. You are Running Out of Time to Make Your Move You can get all the details you need to act immediately in your free copy of my special report, 5 Elite U.S. Stocks Set to Explode. But I must hear from you before this invitation closes in just a few hours! So click here before it’s too late. If you want to profit from the massive market shift underway… Accelerated Profits can help. If you want to stop being held hostage by the whims of the market… Accelerated Profits can help. If you want to make big money fast by owning superior stocks that are about to make a major move higher… Accelerated Profits can help. If you want to lock in more winners in the next twelve months than most investors will in the next five years… Accelerated Profits can help. I’m extremely confident that our Accelerated Profits stocks are the best place to find explosive profits in the months ahead no matter what the market does. I’ve shared our past results to help you see for yourself the huge impact these powerful growth stocks can have on your nest egg. But I know that you see a lot of big promises out there when it comes to investing your money. And if you’re like me, talk is cheap and seeing is believing. When you accept this offer, you’ll get everything you need to put my system to work right away and see for yourself how easy and profitable it is. I’ll give you instant access to two brand-new Special Reports… The first is 5 Elite U.S. Stocks Set to Explode. In it you’ll get my detailed analysis and specific recommendations on the superior stocks at the top of my buy list today. The second is my just-released “99 Stocks to Sell” report. Every name in this report has just been given an F rating in my system. I’m making the full list available FREE to all new members. Please make sure you don’t own a single stock on this list today. Plus you’ll get immediate, unlimited access to our subscriber-only Accelerated Profits website where you can see our full list of AAA-rated stocks, as well as my latest Weekly Profit Alert. Then on Monday, you’ll get your first Weekly Profit Alert delivered right to your inbox. You can expect a new briefing every Monday morning. You’ll also receive any Flash Alerts I send out with urgent buy signals on new opportunities or sell signals when it’s time to lock in profits. Because it’s important you act on these signals quickly, I’ve arranged for you to receive these alerts by text as well as email if you’d like. With access to every Accelerated Profits trade alert, every weekly update, and unlimited use of our subscriber-only website, you’ll see for yourself in no time how our profits stack up. I think you’ll be thrilled with Accelerated Profits and the big fast profits it helps you make. That’s why I’m so excited to tell you about the special discount my publisher is offering loyal readers like you. I think it will make it a no-brainer for you to take me up on this invitation before it’s too late… Only A Few Hours Left to Save This is your final notice before this massive discount disappears at 5 p.m. Accelerated Profits is a unique service that delivers huge profits and priceless peace of mind. It’s no wonder I hear from subscribers like Willis M. who wrote to tell me… “I started April 1, 2013 with $25,000 in the account. Current portfolio balance today (October 31, 2013) of $214,536.66” He turned $25,000 into $214,000 in just 7 months investing in the kinds of stocks I’m recommending to you today. And he’s not alone. Every day I hear from readers who write to share their amazing results… Chris emailed that he was up $10,000 in his first month with Accelerated Profits. “I have only been with Accelerated Profits for 1 month and I am just shy of $10,000 ahead. Thank you for your incredible advice!” —Chris N. Ken was able to use the money he made to buy a new boat. “Louis, I love your new strategy. Accelerated Profits has helped me make the money to buy a new boat.”—Ken S. Arthur says that Accelerated Profits is his #1 choice… “If I could only have ONE subscription, I would keep Accelerated Profits over any other.” —Arthur C. And Marko wrote in to say that he beat the market 3-to-1 with Accelerated Profits! “Thanks to you, my returns were 90% when S&P was 30%. I love you, Louis!” —Marko D. THAT’S the power of investing in only the absolute best growth stocks on the planet. Now, as you would expect, access to results like these doesn’t come cheap. In fact, Accelerated Profits membership normally costs $5,000. But with this special invitation you won’t pay anything close to that. In the past, we’ve offered new members a 50% Charter Member discount. That’s already a big savings. But today we’re going even further… Accept this invitation today, and you can start a trial for an incredible 65% off the regular cost. That means you’ll get a full year of service for just $1,995. You save an unheard of $3,005 and lock in the lowest rate we have EVER offered. Or, you can take it for a three-month test drive at a fraction of the normal cost. For a very limited time, you can try Accelerated Profits for just $699. But please note, this big savings is available through 5 p.m. today only. After that, you’ll pay much more. Don't Let This Opportunity to Save Pass You By! Now it’s decision time… I’ve shown you how my Accelerated Profits works… and how these big quick gains can create life-changing wealth. In August alone we locked in a handful of big winners for gains of 30%, 75%, 109%, and 116%. So far this year, we’ve already locked in 23 double-digit and 5 triple-digit winners. And we’re crushing the market. The gains we’ve locked in on stocks sold so far in 2018 have averaged 35.88%. For comparison, the S&P 500 is up 3.5% in 2018. I’ve told you why my newest round of elite AAA-rated stocks are poised for takeoff and could deliver five years’ worth of gains in a matter of months. I’m giving you instant access to my new report, 5 Elite U.S. Stocks Set to Explode, so you get on board with our top opportunities immediately. PLUS, I’m giving you a free copy of my 99 Stocks to Sell Now list to help you protect yourself from F-rated stocks.  AND I’m offering you a huge discount with a limited-time chance to save $3,005. All you have to do is click here to get started. The choice is yours. Every day I hear from people who are kicking themselves for missing out on past buy signals and the spectacular gains we’re making. Don’t let that be you six months from now. You can put this proven system to work for you today and get on board with my top 5 elite U.S. growth stocks primed to explode higher. I look forward to working together! Click here to join me at Accelerated Profits now and get all the details you need to get on board before these stocks take off again. I look forward to welcoming you on board.  Sincerely,  Louis Navellier
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