Serious Option Traders Happily High-5 the World Every Friday Morning Fellow Profit Lover, On Friday mornings before markets open, a select group of investors get REAL happy. The reason for all their joy? Profits! My top 5 power-packed option trades for the coming week are announced on what has become known as High-5 Friday. This advanced profit notice makes life easy for traders who are building wealth with options. You should join us. I’ll show how to get in on all the celebration in a moment. Meanwhile, it’s no coincidence that all of the following trades kicked off on a High-5 Friday… - SNAP calls paid off in 19 days with 314% profit...$5,000 turned into $20,887
- CATO calls paid off in 6 days with 160% profit...$5,000 turned into $13,000
- MO puts paid off in 4 days with 103% profit...$5,000 turned into $10,181
- QCOM calls paid off in 13 days with 131% profit...$5,000 turned into $11,579
- RDC calls paid off in 1 day with 98% profit... $5,000 turned into $9,909
Those 5 trades alone produced profits of $65,556. Fast, too! We never hold a trade longer than 3 weeks. | Profit with Ken Trester... he is the Dean of Options Trading My extensive experience and success trading options is unequaled. No one has been trading options longer than me. How could they? I’ve been trading options successfully since the beginning, since 1973. The Chicago Board of Options Exchange (CBOE) opened on a Thursday, April 26, 1973. By the end of that first day, 911 option contracts were traded. Today, more than 225 million options traded every business day and I’m still on top. I love this stuff! I’ve taught options trading at the university level along with computer science. Smart as I thought I was, I confess it took me 11 years, from 1973 to 1984, to fully master all the profit-producing, risk-reducing nuances of trading options. Since 1984, however, I’ve rarely had a losing year. My awesome track record as editor of Power Options Weekly is well documented, which is why Barron’s and smaller publications such as Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities widely quote me. • DDS puts paid off in 7 days with 68% profits...$5,000 turned into $8,409 • ATVI calls paid off in 7 days with 61% profits...$5,000 turned into $8,059 • BMY calls paid off in 6 days with 74% profits… $5,000 turned into $8,738 • CTL puts paid off in 6 days with 63% profits... $5,000 turned into $8,182 • THC calls paid off in 17 days with 60% profits…$5,000 turned into $8,035 Click here to give Ken’s trades a try and get 4 weeks for the price of 1! | | | Every High-5 Five Friday recommendation comes with: - The name of the underlying stock
- Exact options trading symbols to open — calls if the stock is likely to go up, or puts if it’s likely to go down
- Recommended entry and exit prices
- Specific directions for exactly when to take your profits
There is no work left for you to do. Searching for the most profitable trades is done for you… Performing all the complex calculations to determine the trade’s profit potential are performed ahead of time for you… Monitoring the movement of option prices is done for you, too... All that’s left is for you to celebrate and collect all your pressure-free profits! All we use to build wealth are puts and calls. And I wouldn’t still be investing this way for all these years if my method didn’t work like gangbusters. Our Calls Make Us Richer Than Stock Investors - Cisco Systems (CSCO) popped 3% and we made 84%
- After watching Snap Inc. (SNAP) consolidate for months, we traded March calls, ultimately banking 314% gains
- Micron Technology (MU) pushed nicely into profitable territory with a 9% spike and we made 74%
- CATO Corporation (CATO) shares shot up 14.5% and our call options made us a 160% profit
- Centurylink, Inc. (CTL) jumped 3% and we made 67.6% with call options
Our Puts Turn Disasters Into Wealth, Too! - Plains All American Pipeline, L.P. (PAA) dropped 5% and we made 100% with put options
- iShares MSCI Turkey ETF (TUR) fell 12% and our put options made us 65% richer
- Hain Celestial Group (HAIN) hit a rough patch, sinking 4% and we made a 85% profit
- 3D Systems (DDD) dropped 27%, and we made a 150% profit
- Target (TGT) dropped nearly 6% and we made a 150% profit!
I’ve been piling up options profits for the last 46 years, making my first trade in 1973, the same year the Chicago Board of Options Exchange (CBOE) officially opened. You remember 1973, don’t you? The average guy was making $12,900 a year, a Morton’s TV Dinner was 36¢, which American families gobbled down while watching “The Odd Couple” and “M*A*S*H.” Sounds like the “good old days,” but inflation, recession and unemployment were on the rise as America listened to “Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree” on the day’s hottest high-tech device — the transistor radio. Then long lines at gas stations formed thanks to the oil embargo. Economic growth slammed into reverse, shrinking 6.8%. Stocks nosedived, too. The Dow lost 45% of its value. Yet, a tiny group of savvy investors were celebrating wildly back in 1973. I was one of them! And I’ve been building wealth with options ever since. By the end of that first day, 911 option contracts were traded. 46 years later, more than 225 million option contracts are traded daily. That number has been increasing for one simple reason: High-5 Friday! I’m busy Thursday nights evaluating potential option plays pinpointed by my proprietary surveillance system, which is programmed to uncover undervalued options that are poised to make quick bursts. Most Traders Lose Because They Ignore the Price They Pay for Options Unlike most options traders, I pay very close attention to the actual price I pay for an option. Sadly, most option “rookies” spend all their energy trying to figure out if the underlying stock is going up or down. But unless your option is priced right, you can be on the right side of the trade and still lose money. Pay too much and you’re just about dead in the water from day one, even if you’re on the right side of the trade. However, get on the right side of the trade with an underpriced option and smack — HOME RUN! Problem is, most investors don’t know what an underpriced option looks like. Here’s a hint: it’s hardly ever the lowest price shown in the options chain. It’s more complicated than that, so I rely on technology to perform the calculations. The technology I use is unlike any other… it’s specially programmed with all the options trading secrets I’ve learned since 1973. And I don’t mind reminding you that no one has been trading options longer and no one has learned more success secrets than I have. My system constantly shifts through hundreds of thousands of option offerings and pinpoints the ones that are undervalued and ready to surge. Then I step in. On Thursday nights, I look at the list of potential trades my surveillance system generates and narrow the field down to the best 5. That's what I'll be doing soon — narrowing the field of profit opportunities down to the top 5 because tomorrow is High-5 Friday! Ready to inject some big-time POW into your portfolio? I’m not being cute when I say POW. It stands for Power Options Weekly, the advisory service I run for self-directed investors who want to use a portion of their portfolios for simple, yet overwhelmingly powerful investments. POW is not a day trader service. It’s not a buy-and-hold service, either. We’re taking profits every 4 days on average. We never hold a trade open longer than 3 weeks. Our average winning trade in 2018 has delivered a 55% profit. And, as you saw above, traders investing $5,000 each in just 5 of our winning trades made $67,303! You might find this shocking, but it’s true! Savvy options traders pay upwards of $25,000 a year (about $480 a week) for a stream of undervalued options. And those forking over the $25,000 are not complaining. The profits are too big. $25,000 is too much to pay, unless you’re a major player Some options advisories go for less, of course. It’s quite common for options trading advisories to charge $5,000 or $10,000 for a year’s worth of service. It breaks down to about $96 a week. And again, there are few complaints, because the option profits are often huge. But my subscribers get the huge profits for just $19.95 a week. High-Five! But the news is even better for you! I’ve made arrangements with my publisher to give you a full month of Power Options Weekly (including four High-5 Fridays) for just $19.95. All you have to do is let me know you’re interested. But you must let me know today! High-5 Friday is tomorrow! Besides, there’s no way I can hold this “3-weeks free” offer open for long. Since we never hold trades open longer than 3 weeks, the probability that you’ll profit during your first 4 weeks is quite strong. If you only make one trade during the next 4 weeks (you’ll have received 20 trades in that time), your profits from that single trade can cover the cost of my service many times over. So, if you’re worried about funding a cushy retirement, then this is the perfect time to quit worrying about outliving your money. See for yourself how a small portion of your portfolio can change your life. It won’t cost much at all to give your wildest dreams of wealth a chance… if you act now, you get an entire month of profits for just $19.95. I promise you this: My experience will make options trading easy for you. And my recommendations can make you rich. But nothing happens until you click here to start amassing your fortune the cheapest way possible – with options! Sincerely,  Ken Trester Editor, Power Options Weekly P.S. Tomorrow is HIGH-5 FRIDAY! All 5 trades will be good to enter up until the closing bell Tuesday. Act quickly and get ready to bank profits… we won’t hold any position longer than 3 weeks. So be ready to take your profits. Act on today’s super offer and you’ll be getting 20 new trades over the coming four weeks!  |
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