Fidelity's "Fortunate Few" Won't Miss Out, But Most Every Other Fidelity Investor Will Fellow Mutual Fund Investor, About Jim Lowell | Jim Lowell is the editor of Fidelity Investor, the private and independent advisory published for individual investors seeking superior performance from their Fidelity investments. Jim’s subscribers are known as “Fidelity’s Fortunate Few.” The fund selections they get directly from Jim double, and in many cases triple their returns. His strategies for investment income have boosted members’ annual income two-fold. Jim’s a bona-fide Fidelity genius. He’s also a real-life Fidelity fanatic. He was born in Boston and he still lives there. He holds Master’s degrees from both Harvard University and Trinity College. He used to work at Fidelity, where he helped launch Fidelity’s most prominent publications, Fidelity Focus and Investment Vision, which turned into Worth magazine. You can’t read an article about Fidelity in any major publication — The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Barron’s, Forbes, Fortune, you name it — without seeing at least one quote from Jim Lowell. Now you can get Jim’s best advice directly from him, as a subscriber to Fidelity Investor. Now’s the best-ever time to try his service. There’s no risk and you get a lineup of FREE Bonus Gifts. All you have to do is respond in time. | | | Need a new action plan for 2019? Decades of documentation show that a small group of Fidelity funds, when combined properly, drastically reduce investor risk while outperforming the average Fidelity investor by a whopping 210%. However: While Fidelity is unquestionably the best actively managed mutual fund family in the world, they won’t give you the names of these powerful funds. They won’t tell you how to combine them properly, either. Fidelity is not in the independent investment advice giving business. Not knowing how to navigate Fidelity’s fund lineup could be costing you a fortune in missed profits and income. You want to beat the market, not mimic it with index funds, right? That’s why investors like us turn to Fidelity’s funds. But here’s the problem: Fidelity is not going to tell you which of their funds they think will be the index-beating ones. I will. Fidelity does an excellent job at educating their clients about how to invest, but they won’t (in some instances, they can’t) tell what you really want to know, such as… - which funds belong in your portfolio,
- when to buy them,
- when to sell them,
- how to find a sure-fire winner,
- how to spot the hidden red flags flying atop funds that don’t belong in anyone’s portfolio.
If you don’t have clear answers to all the above, it makes it nearly impossible for you to invest wisely. Until you find out what Fidelity won’t tell you, you can’t use the most profitable mutual fund investing strategy of all time, the Cardinal Rule of mutual fund investing... Buy The Manager, Not The Fund® What you’re about to discover will make you richer, keep your Fidelity money safer, give you more investment income and the retirement you may have thought was beyond your reach. I should introduce myself. There’s Only Way to Follow the Cardinal Rule of Mutual Fund Investing… | Find out who’s the best Fidelity fund manager! Fidelity won’t tell you. And the only way you can find out, if you know the one place to look… the one place where you find out just how skilled Fidelity managers are at selecting stocks, bonds, or a mix of both. That one place is Fidelity Investor. One of your 3 free reports, Ranking Fidelity’s True Genius: Fidelity Fund Managers Exposed!, gives you the current ratings. Fidelity Investor keeps you current across the board. My proprietary Manager Ranking System (MRS) shows you at a glance exactly how a Fidelity stock fund manager has fared relative to the market month in and month out since he or she began managing money! There’s no place for Fidelity’s managers to hide from me. I track their entire careers, even track their records with funds they managed before coming to Fidelity. And I don’t stop there. I also look at the risks the manager took over the course of their careers. And guess what? The best find is a manager who has beaten the benchmark without taking undue risks! As powerful as this tool is, it’s not the only one I use to select the best Fidelity funds for the here and now. But using this tool is the only way you or anyone can be sure to follow the Cardinal Rule of Mutual Funding Investing: Buy the manager! Act now to get your copy of Ranking Fidelity’s True Genius: Fidelity Fund Managers Exposed! | | | I’m Jim Lowell. I head up the world’s largest independent research group dedicated to Fidelity, its funds, and its investors. Think of me as your Fidelity inside man… your serious-money watchdog. I used to work at Fidelity, but not anymore. I’m entirely independent now and totally free to tell you about all of Fidelity’s strengths and weaknesses. Members of my award-winning private newsletter advisory, Fidelity Investor, make more than triple the profits average Fidelity investors get. I’d like you to join us today. There’s no risk for you, by the way. In fact, three kick-start gifts are already reserved in your name. But frankly, the real reason to join us today is… We’re making more money than those who love index funds… more money than those who love ETFs and managed funds, too. I’d venture to say we’re making more money at Fidelity than anyone else, including you! We’re taking less risk, too. Yes, we have secrets, which is to say we act on information that’s not made available to average Fidelity investors. I wish I could share these secrets with every Fidelity investor. But alas, most will probably never learn what I’m about to reveal to you, starting with… Fidelity’s 7 Most Powerful Index-Beating Funds These 7 index-beating funds are so amazingly powerful they work gangbusters for just about every Fidelity investor, including: - growth investors,
- those seeking both growth and income,
- and those who simply want to live off the income their Fidelity funds generate for them.
You might already own one or two of them. If so, congratulations! If not, well, we can fix that. Your copy of Fidelity’s 7 Most Powerful Funds You Must Own Now is ready to be released to you free today! It’s the first of several gifts I want to give you. I’ll tell you why you’re getting multiple gifts in a moment. First, however, I’d like to tell you more about these special 7 Fidelity power funds. FIDELITY POWER FUND #1: Gives You the Hottest Stocks on Wall Street and Buffett, Too! Power Fund #1 holds 303 large caps and most all of them are specially selected as “best of breed,” such as Tesla, the electric luxury car maker that's always in the news. Manager Will Danoff has been in charge of this fund since 1990. And as active as he’s been, the expenses charged to investors’ remains a tiny 0.74%. Facebook… Amazon… Google… Apple… and Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway are among this fund’s top 10 holdings. He has crushed his S&P benchmark since he began managing the fund in 1990. Part of that outperformance is the fund's return last year of 32.3% versus 20.5% for the S&P 500 and lost only 2.2% in 2018 versus S&P 500's -4.4%. HIDDEN STRENGTH: Danoff delivers profitable diversity by picking large companies with above average growth potential. FIDELITY POWER FUND #2: A Concentrated Fund for All Times There were several notable standouts in 2018’s harrowing ride but this one stood the test of last year’s market time better than most. In 2018, this fund returned 5.3% vs. -4.4% for its benchmark, thanks to my pick for 2018 Manager of the Year, Stephen DuFour. Since he began managing this fund in 2007, returns were 213.2%, outperforming the S&P 500 149%. He’s not only expertly experienced in his concentrated investment philosophy and style, his reasoning is tempered by what he has had to forge: marketplace pessimism. He has a highly concentrated portfolio, holding only 38 stocks with the top 10% representing 51.4% of his portfolio. HIDDEN STRENGTH: Superior tactics at managing even through the worst of times, thanks to manager Stephen DuFour. DeFour is a concentrated manager, he’s more loyal to his stock picking discipline than to any one holding. FIDELITY POWER FUND #3: Profit Big with Small Caps Growing Into Mid Caps An outsized return for this expert small-cap investor, Manager Jed Weiss has returned 215.58% versus 171.62% for his benchmark since he began managing this fund in 2008. This fund holds just 133 stocks. The selection of these stocks are for capital appreciation more than income. By investing in companies with market capitalization of $5 billion or less, Weiss picks established companies currently in the sweet spot of growth. His small cap stocks are poised to become midcaps. Those who own this fund stand to outperform markets throughout 2019. HIDDEN STRENGTH: Manager Jed Weiss searches the world for well-established small caps rapidly growing into midcaps. He holds industrials and health care in greater concentration than international index funds… a great position to hold in 2019. FIDELITY POWER FUND #4: Pure Value on the Blue Chip Stage Fidelity may still be best known for their growth funds, but as a Fidelity Investor reader, you'll learn that Fidelity’s breadth and depth of investments in any category are second to none. For instance, many investors would never think to look in Fidelity’s low-cost large-cap value funds, but they really should. Here, investors will find a “pure” value play. Manager Sean Gavin sets his portfolio on the blue chip stage, whose stocks are of large, well-established, mostly multinational companies found in the S&P 500 or Dow, as well as companies with market caps of at least $1 billion (if not in either index). At the moment, the fund’s focus is less on technology and more on financials, with the fund’s top sectors being financials (23.9%), health care (21.3%), and communication services (13.4%). HIDDEN STRENGTH: The growth side of the investing ledger (think technology) has more selective room to run, but the real bargains are in value’s basement. FIDELITY POWER FUND #5: Most Important Sector of All Grows Your Money the Fastest Those who own Power Fund #5 were thrilled to see their $10,000 grow to $52,825 since October 2008. Those with $10,000 in the S&P 500, however, weren’t so thrilled to see their money grow to just $32,188 during the same time frame. Manager Eddie Yoon has selected just under 100 funds… and over two thirds of them are concentrated in health care equipment (26.98%), biotechnology stocks (25.28%), and managed health care(18.42%). Manager Eddie Yoon is a true mastermind when it comes to the healthcare industry. Just 99 funds made the grade for this fund, which is the strongest of Fidelity’s 40 actively managed sector funds. HIDDEN STRENGTH: Revealed in your free copy of Fidelity’s 7 Most Powerful Funds You Must Own Now. FIDELITY POWER FUND #6: Super-Safe High-Income from the King of Bonds When your funds are invested in stocks, it’s always smart to balance your portfolio with bonds. And there’s no better way to do that than with Fidelity Power Fund #6. This actively managed exchange-traded fund is run by a team of bond managers led by veteran bond manager Ford O'Neil. Since he began managing, the fund has returned 9.7% through 2017 versus 8.0% for the Bloomberg Barclay U.S. Aggregate Bond Index. The ability to consistently blow his benchmark out of the water and finish first in the triathlon that is investing in today's markets is one of the reasons why this excellent bond manager claims a spot in two of my income-producing model portfolios, Growth & Income and Income. HIDDEN STRENGTH: Low-cost strategy works to add to your total return. There are all sorts of proprietary claims on Ford O’Neil’s methodology that brings active management to a savvy low-cost ETF product. FIDELITY POWER FUND #7: Fortify Your Portfolio While Interest Rates Go Up! If you’re looking for a bastion against resurgent volatility, put this fund in your portfolio right now. The best way to grow your wealth is to be in the market, not on the sidelines. And having this fund in your team’s lineup will give you the peace of mind necessary to allow you to stay in the game and sleep better at night—all while yielding more than a money market fund. That’s because the managers who run this bond fund only invest in high-quality securities. Their slow and steady strategy just doesn’t allow for bonds with anything other than impeccable credit quality, leaving their portfolio looking like the report card of a valedictorian. Throwing off a yield of 2.57%, this strategy is slow and steady. If you don't like volatility, this fund is for you. HIDDEN STRENGTH: This income fund is perfectly set up for the rising-rate environment ahead. Since this income fund invests in shorter-term bonds, it has less interest-rate sensitivity than other income funds do. What’s more, improving economic conditions will super-charge the corporate bonds that make up over 85% of its portfolio. Fidelity’s 7 Most Powerful Funds You Must Own Now serves as the ideal action guide for 2019. And it’s yours FREE! But it’s not the only gift reserved in your name. 2 More Bonus Gifts — Are Yours FREE! One of them ranks all Fidelity’s fund managers, including the ones investing your money. You’ll see, probably for the first time ever, just how successful (or not) Fidelity’s managers really are — dating back to before they picked stocks for Fidelity fund investors. The other gift reveals the sector secrets behind Fidelity’s launch of new ETFs. I think you’ll be amazed when you learn… - Why only a few of Fidelity’s new ETFs are worth a glance
- How to use those top ETFs in a strategic combination that cuts your risks and taxes
- How to trump the performance of those ETFs
It’s called Fidelity’s Top Sector Funds and ETFs and it’s a must-read for every Fidelity investor — all 24 million of us! Also true: Only a few of Fidelity’s investors will ever find out what’s in this special report. You’re one of the few. And I know this is true, too: If you give me your permission to release your free report to you… You’ll experience what it’s like to be the newest member of “Fidelity’s Fortunate Few.” Enter as a Charter Member! And you’ll feel as though a bag of boulders has been lifted off your shoulders. I know this because… “Fidelity’s Fortunate Few” make more money than most everyone else investing in mutual funds — because they always find themselves in the right Fidelity funds at the right time. Making more money sounds good, right? How this small group of Fidelity investors pulls this off is no secret to me. I’m the one telling them how to do it! I’m ready to tell you, too! Your Fidelity profits are going to soar beyond expectations… the old-fashioned way… the way the best mutual fund investors have always amassed wealth… by tapping into Fidelity’s true genius. One way is through ETFs — also a very important tool. In your free report, Fidelity’s Top Sector Funds and ETFs, you’ll go inside 11 of Fidelity’s new ETFs and learn why only a few deserve a second thought, and why the others are already dead in the water. And then the fun begins. For each ETF — all 11 of them — you’ll also see the actively managed Fidelity funds that beat them. You can bet the ranch Fidelity will never reveal this to you. And in your third free gift, Ranking Fidelity’s True Genius: Fidelity Fund Managers Exposed, you’ll get not only the names but also the track records of every Fidelity fund manager dating back to before they became Fidelity fund managers. You’ll learn how Fidelity’s stock-picking pros think and what they see in the future, which makes it so much easier for you to be in the right funds at the right time. This report is the ultimate key to the Cardinal Rule of mutual fund investing! That’s how you triple your profits at Fidelity, by the way. I have decades of documented proof that subscribers following my advice… You Make Over $3 When the Average Fidelity Investor Makes $1 My Fidelity success secret is simple: Tap into the stock-picking genius of Fidelity’s top fund managers. All of them are revealed in your free copy of Ranking Fidelity’s True Genius: Fidelity Fund Managers Exposed! In this exclusive report, I track all of Fidelity’s fund managers, to make it real easy for you to find the best ones. I give each manager a rating number and “FI Ranking.” You’ve probably never seen anything like it before. Fidelity rates their managers, but they’ll never give you the ratings. It’s private, confidential stuff Fidelity would just as soon keep “inside.” But with your free report at hand, you’ll own a valuable inside track as a Fidelity investor. Choosing Fidelity’s best funds suddenly becomes easy! Following the Cardinal Rule of Mutual Fund Investing quickly becomes second nature. You’ll know who’s who… and exactly what’s up with Fidelity’s best and worst managers. You’ll understand what’s happening with your money, and what’s likely to happen to it. And you’ll see for yourself exactly where your Fidelity money should be right now. I evaluate Fidelity’s managers on a variety of levels. Then I rate them and reveal everything! I figure you’d want to know right away how your fund’s manager stacks up. And you’ll find out right away — as soon as you respond, in fact. Act now and you’ll get all 3 reports free, Fidelity’s Top Sector Funds and ETFs; Ranking Fidelity’s True Genius: Fidelity Fund Managers Exposed; and Fidelity’s 7 Most Powerful Funds You Must Own Now. And to give you a real taste of what it’s like to be among “Fidelity’s Fortunate Few,” you’ll also get a 100% risk-free subscription to my private advisory, Fidelity Investor. Meanwhile, I’d like you to take a look at this… Jim’s Growth Model Portfolio vs. Average Fidelity Investor (Growth of $100,000) | This chart shows you how subscribers to Fidelity Investor outperform the average Fidelity investor year after year. You should be on the top line, too, don’t you think? The Surprising Make Up of “Fidelity’s Fortunate Few” Those you’ll be joining might surprise you. Not all of them are investing aggressively for growth. Not all of them are rich, either. Some are just starting out and come to us with only modest amounts to invest. Some are quite well-off and you might wonder why they’re so eager to make even more money. And there are others who are more conservative in their pursuit of profit. Some don’t even think about growth. They’re only investing for income. And yet, all these various types of Fidelity investors subscribe to the same advisory service… the one that has every Fidelity investor covered… Fidelity Investor. | You might be in trouble without even knowing it because… Fidelity Won’t Tell You About These Toxic Fund Combos Fidelity might be on top when it comes to performance. But sometimes too much of a good thing can be dangerous. When one recommendation finds its way into too many of your Fidelity funds, your portfolio could become way more risky than you think. It’s like holding too much company stock in your 401(k) plan. Members of Fidelity Investor never have to worry about owning toxic fund combos. When you see your first issue of Fidelity Investor, turn to page 3 first. That’s where you’ll find the funds that will play a major role in tripling your Fidelity profit. Put this 2019 Action Plan to Work Today! | | | Every issue is packed with information you just can’t get from Fidelity, including my expertly diversified Fidelity Model Portfolios, including: - Global Quant Growth
- Global Quant Income
- Growth
- Growth & Income
- Income
Members of Fidelity Investor also get two more model portfolios: Annuity Growth and Annuity Growth & Income. Plus, you’re getting more than that. You’re getting 3 valuable reports for free, use of the entire Fidelity Investor service risk-free, plus, if you enjoy the experience, a special low-cost Charter Membership rate. And if you want to discontinue your subscription, you’re still way ahead because you’ll never be asked to return anything we send you — including your 3 free reports and all the other special reports that are automatically yours as a Charter Member. Fair enough? Well, it gets even better. Act now — within the next 36 hours — and you’ll get a surprise 4th bonus. SURPRISE POWER BONUS #4: 30 Day FREE Trial of Short-Term Fidelity Profits with Fidelity Sector Investor... Whether you choose the 1-year or 2-year Fidelity Investor membership option, you’ll also get a 30-day FREE trial of Fidelity Sector Investor — designed to deliver the best current solution for near-term market conditions. The idea behind Fidelity Sector Investor is straightforward: - Own Fidelity’s hottest sector funds and sector ETFs…
- Sell them when they cool down, then…
- Repeat steps one and two.
Yes, this is an active trading system, but it is in no way a day trading system. It is designed by me to deliver the long-term benefits of near-term active trading and to ensure there’s no heavy lifting for you to do. I do all the hard work for you. Our profit pace continues to leave most every other investor in the dust. Our best sector performers YTD are up 12.9%, 9.2%, and 12.4%. That’s the profit pace you should be on, too, wouldn’t you agree? I make everything easy for you to make more money than any other Fidelity investor. There’s no guesswork. The trading system you’ll be using as an elite member of Fidelity Sector Investor keeps you in Fidelity’s best sector funds… until it’s time for you to bank your short-term profits. That’s when you’ll trade out of the sector funds that are cooling and buy into the ones that are heating up. The system I’ve perfected over the last 20 years has proven itself time and again. That’s why those following Fidelity Sector Investor are outperforming not just the market, but also costly hedge funds, specialty institutional products and individual stocks over any meaningful investment timeline. And for the next 30 days, you’ll get it all FREE (a $60 value!). If you like what you see in Fidelity Sector Investor, do nothing and when your free trial ends we’ll automatically renew your subscription at the discounted quarterly rate of just $179. Your access will continue without interruption. Should you decide it’s not for you within the first 30 days after the initial annual charge, you’ll receive a full and prompt refund. All part of our 100% satisfaction guarantee! And if you act now — within the next 36 hours — you’ll get a surprise 5th bonus. Your Reward for Quick Action A FREE copy of The Worst Fidelity Funds No One Should Own | New risks… new opportunities… new funds… new fund managers… most Fidelity investors won’t have a clue. The hidden trillion-dollar reason Fidelity recently launched 13 new ETFs Yes, Fidelity is getting into the ETF business. You think it’s because of that old wives’ tale about how managed funds can’t beat index funds? Think again. Fidelity has never had trouble beating benchmarks and index funds. The Boston giant has been doing it since index funds were invented. And the tradition continues to this day. Fidelity is getting into the ETF business average investors love to index and, quite simply… the company is playing catch up to get a piece of that action. It’s worth more than a trillion dollars. So in October 2014, Fidelity, basically tried to beat Vanguard at its own game when it launched 13 new ETFs — each with expense ratios lower than Vanguard’s. You can buy these lowest-cost ETFs through Fidelity commission free, too! But should you? Find out in your free copy of Fidelity’s Top Sector Funds and ETFs. | | | You don’t want to find any of these funds in your portfolio. But if you do find a few there, no worries. You’ll be armed with so many new ways to boost your Fidelity profits it won’t matter… as long as you immediately switch your losers to Fidelity’s best funds (also given away for free in this 5th bonus!), the ones you’ll learn about when you respond in time. All that’s needed is your permission. We’re all set here. We’re ready to give you access to all your gifts right now… ready to impress you with our just-released edition of Fidelity Investor… ready to show you the life enjoyed by “Fidelity’s Fortunate Few.” The instant you respond, you’ll feel a rush of excitement and expectation. And that wonderful feeling will stay with you and re-ignite with each new issue and every new special report you get. If not, you’ll never pay a dime. Nothing. You get to keep your bonus gifts for free, too. How’s that for fair? Take 30 days to decide if you like Fidelity Investor and all the tangible extras that come with it, including: - Monthly issues
- Weekly email updates
- Special Alert emails
- Extensive archives
- Portfolio performance updates
- Review of different major corporate 401(k) plans
- Exclusive interviews
- Market commentary
As for the intangible benefits… the rock-steady confidence in your financial future, more assurance of reaching your goals, and the overwhelming joy of relief from worrying about money for the rest of your life… those are all priceless! Charter Membership, however, has a price, normally $229. But you’re not paying the regular Charter Membership rate. Your Rate is Special… It’s Lower than Our Normal Charter Membership! My publisher has agreed… I now have the green light to bring you in as a Charter Member for just $99, as long as you let me know within 36 hours. After that? I’m afraid you’ll be asked to pay more. By the way, at this hush-hush low rate of only $99, your membership will more than pay for itself within a month or so, depending on how much you have invested with Fidelity. However much it is, count on that number zooming north once you experience Fidelity Investor. I guarantee it! Sincerely,  Jim Lowell Editor, Fidelity Investor P.S. What you do or don’t do with all of this could determine your financial future. And you know what your financial future determines, don’t you? It determines how your entire life is lived… scrimping for savings and sacrificing, or living a full and meaningful retirement without a financial care in the world. You could triple your Fidelity profits. P.P.S. Tripling your Fidelity profits isn’t the only benefit of accepting your introductory Fidelity Investor Charter Membership. I also promise to cut your risks without delay. All you have to do is let me know you’re interested. |
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