MoneyWire Roundup: Big News, Big Profits It’s been a great week! I realize that may sound a little crazy given what happened in the market. More tweets and tariffs sparked additional selling as the S&P 500 closed May with a 6.6% loss. Guess we should have sold in May and gone away, right? No way. Actually, the S&P is still up nearly 11% through the first five months of the year. You wouldn’t know it by the headlines, though. If I had a nickel for the number of times I saw the word “tumble” today, I’d… well, I’d invest it. More importantly, lower stock prices equal big buying opportunities for investors focused on the massive, unstoppable mega-trends. It’s easy to lose sight of that with all the noise out there. So let’s put our focus right where it should be. As we end the week, I wanted to send you a digest of some the headlines that aren’t all about the doom and gloom but rather the incredible wealth-building potential that is there for smart investors looking in the right places. Another State Legalizes Marijuana Illinois just this afternoon became the latest state to legalize recreational marijuana. Well, it technically needs the signature of Governor JB Pritzker, but he definitely supports legalization and quickly issued a statement saying he would sign the bill. Adults 21 and older will be allowed to have up to 30 grams of marijuana at a time for personal use. One fascinating part of the bill is that it pardons everyone previously convicted of possessing less than 30 grams of marijuana (as long as no other crime was associated with it). In fact, the convictions will be expunged from the records of more than 700 people. It’s the first bill to take that step, which is yet another sign of the shifting attitudes. U.S. legalization of marijuana is closer than ever… and signs point to this huge, game-changing development happening sooner than most people think. Legal marijuana is a massive trend that is still in its early stages with the U.S. waiting in the wings to become the biggest market in the world. Any time governments open up a huge new market like legal marijuana, investors can win very big. LEAKED": Nationally Legalized Cannabis by June 21?!? | According to "leaked" information from a source close to White House insiders, the 70-year-long "war on marijuana" could END less than two months from today. Click here for the surprising details… and find out how a $20 investment in the cannabis industry could create a massive fortune for early investors. | SPONSOR AD | “The Cannabidiol Craze” That was part of the headline of an NBC News article discussing today’s hearing at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to discuss regulations governing cannabidiol (CBD). The Washington Post headlined it this way: Amid flood of CBD products, FDA holds first public hearing on cannabis extract. It all goes back to the Farm Bill that was passed last December and legalized hemp. Hemp-CBD is hitting the mainstream, now or soon to be available in stores like CVS, Walgreen’s, Bed, Bath & Beyond, and more. I’ve written a special report for my Investment Opportunities members about CBD, and I called it “The Huge Marijuana Story Everyone Is Missing.” That’s exactly what it is. It’s a little chaotic out there given the craze, so you have to be careful as consumers and as investors. You have to know which companies are legitimate. Ultimately, some regulations governing CBD would be good news. It pains me to say that, but regulations should help “weed out” the dubious products and marketing. Get some of the “bad actors” out of the way and legitimate CBD companies can rise to the top. It gives investors more confidence in CBD companies, providing further upside for stocks like Charlotte’s Web (CWBHF). You may already know that’s my pick in InvestorPlace’s Best Stocks for 2019 contest. Another Jumper! Speaking of Charlotte’s Web, it became the latest of our stocks to “jump” from a small exchange to one of the biggies. That’s three in the last two weeks! Charlotte’s Web uplisted from the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) to the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX), which is the 9th largest exchange in the world. The stock is now trading with the big boys. Jumping to a major exchange transforms a stock. It provides instant credibility, opens the stock up to big institutional money, and results in more analyst coverage. When it comes to legal marijuana, the opportunity is magnified because these are high-growth companies in the fastest-growing industry in America. The legal marijuana industry is set to grow 10-fold over the coming decade, creating massive new markets and stock winners I expect more and more opportunities in Jumper Stocks as legalization expands and the industry continues to explode. America's #1 Penny Pot Stock to Explode by June 21st? | Right now, this pot stock trades for just $0.57. But industry insiders are now predicting it could easily rival the rise of Tilray, Aurora and Canopy Growth Corp. Folks who get in before Friday, June 21st could be in prime position to profit. Full Details Here. | SPONSOR AD | Today Is… National Autonomous Vehicle Day! Who knew, right? Seems like there’s a day for everything. Usually I just roll my eyes. Like tomorrow… it’s National Nail Polish Day. Seriously. And if that doesn’t do it for you, it’s also National Olive Day. But I actually like National Autonomous Vehicle Day. I’d like it even better if they renamed it “Now Is the Time to Invest in The Transportation Transformation that Will Make Investors Tons of Money Day.” Okay, so I don’t have a future coming up with names for national days. That’s fine. I’m happy with my current job. Autonomous vehicles (AVs) deserve their own day because they will change the way we get around and reshape the American landscape. How you vacation, where you live, even the way we design our cities and neighborhoods will change. With this much at stake, many of the world’s smartest, richest, most powerful entrepreneurs, investors and corporations are working day and night to dominate the self-driving car market. I have no doubt the winners of this race will see their stock market values advance 10-fold… 20-fold… even 100-fold over the coming decade… taking investors along for the ride of their lives – pun intended. It’s too early to pick the automaker that will take the lead in producing AVs, but one thing we can be sure of is that they will need next-generation batteries. Not only will our smartphones charge faster and hold their charge longer, but new batteries – solid state batteries – will also push almost everything into the future. Like busses! That’s right. Just this week, Hyundai introduced an electric double-decker bus.  It doesn’t even have the newest batteries in it, but you can see how companies are rushing to use better batteries in their products. The investing opportunity in two massive, game-changing themes that are connected – like AVs and next-generation batteries – is too good to miss. In my Investment Opportunities service, I recommend companies developing this new technology – nicknamed the “Jesus Battery.” I’ve got a full presentation on the investment opportunity, which you can view for free by clicking here. So stay focused on explosive long-term trends and the equally explosive investing opportunities. Ignore the noise out there and enjoy your weekend. I’ll talk to you again next week. Best regards,  Matt McCall P.S. In the wave of marijuana legalization, the future billion-dollar leaders of this industry – the massively successful private companies that are fueling this surging market – are now taking their companies public on the stock market. Oftentimes, you can buy tomorrow’s leaders for just pennies a share, or maybe a few dollars. But you definitely don’t want to buy any old IPO. You want to see that the company can make money first. Plus, it’s crucial to get the timing right. That’s what I designed my Cannabis Cash Calendar system to do specifically for marijuana IPOs. We’re already seeing big gains, and it’s not too late for you to get in on the profits. I actually just released my brand new recommendation. It’s a U.S.-based marijuana company, which I think are some of the best opportunities in the entire market right now… not just the cannabis industry. Maybe you don’t know much more about marijuana stocks than what I’ve said here. That’s fine. Even if you’ve never bought a stock before, you’ll want to check this out. I’d say take a small stake… and you could potentially see that multiply over the next 12 months. Click here for more on this incredible opportunity and to learn how you can get the name of my just-released recommendation. Learn where Matt McCall sees huge investment opportunities right now: Autonomous Vehicles: A Once-in-a-Generation Opportunity Self-driving cars – aka “autonomous vehicles” (AVs) – represent one of the biggest investment opportunities of the next 25 years. This innovation will transform huge portions of our economy and create trillion dollar ripple effects through time. It will create huge new winners in short periods of time. It will demolish losers in equally short periods of time. It’s critical that you stay on the right side of this trend. Learn more here. Why the Legal Marijuana Industry is Set to Grow More than 10-Fold Marijuana has been outlawed most everywhere for decades… but now a wave of legalization is starting to sweep the world. This will create massive new markets and massive stock market winners. Learn more here. 2019 Will Be Sports Betting’s Biggest Year Yet If I had to make one bet for 2019 it would be that betting is going to be big. The Supreme Court’s May 14 ruling cleared the way for states to allow sports gambling. And in my 25 years of investing experience, I honestly cannot remember many things that come close to magnitude of the investing opportunity that opened up to us. Massive amounts of money are involved in sports betting, and I expect massive amounts of money will be made, too. Learn more here. |
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