A deeper look at what "Mr. 1,000%" Eric Fry has done over the last year "How can I make 10 times my money?"
Most financial advisors will tell you this is an absurd question for an investor to ask.
After all, the long-term average return of stocks is about 7% per year.
At that rate of return, you'd double your money in about 5 years ... triple your money in about 9 years ... and you don't get a 10-fold return until year 23.
With this math in mind, your average financial advisor will tell you that making 10 times your money on a single investment is a pipe dream for most people.
It's such a long shot that you shouldn't even entertain the thought.
However, most financial advisors don't know Eric Fry.
Eric Fry isn't a household name, but many finance industry insiders consider him to be one of the greatest stock pickers of all time.
In an industry where a stock picker is fortunate to have just one 1,000% gain to his or her credit, Eric has an astounding 41 1,000%+ winners to his credit.
It's like the investment equivalent of Major League baseball's "perfect game," where no batter reaches base during an entire game (by the way, congrats to the Nats on winning the World Series!).
Very few pitchers have ever thrown a perfect game, and none have thrown more than one. But Eric has pitched 41 of them.
***Now, I'll be transparent ... When I hear about these 41 1,000%+ winners, it can be hard for me to wrap my head around them. Probably because I don't have a single 1,000%+ winner.
Plus, these winners have spanned the course of Eric's career. The skeptic in me wants to hold Eric's feet to the fire a bit more. In other words, I found myself asking a different question ...
What has Eric done recently?
It was that question that led me to dig into Eric's recommendations over the last 12-24 months, while he's been InvestorPlace's global macro specialist.
It turns out, Eric has done quite a lot.
***Let's begin with his Heinz trade You may recall this past February, when Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway lost more than $4 billion after Kraft Heinz (in which Berkshire is heavily invested) reported a string of bad news and plunged more than 27% in one day. We won't get into all the details here, but it turns out Eric had seen this collapse coming. It was all the way back on June 30th, 2017 that Eric wrote about the troubles facing many conventional grocery retailers. His analysis resulted in what now appears to be a prophetic recommendation -- a put option trade, betting against Heinz. So, what happened after Eric's call? Let's look at the chart.

Eric's subscribers walked away making 101% on their put options in just four months. ***Another recent triple-digit winner involved pharmaceutical company, Teva This past spring, Connecticut attorney General William Tong claimed 20 drug companies "systematically" divided up the market for generic drugs to avoid competing with one another. Teva was at the center of this storm. During a 19-month period beginning in summer 2013, Teva allegedly increased prices on roughly 112 different generic drugs. And on at least 86 of those increases, it colluded with some drug companies it referenced as "high quality" competitors. But Eric was writing about the challenges facing Teva long before that. He noted falling generic drug prices, the looming loss of a major revenue stream as Teva's multiple sclerosis drug faced new generic competition, Amazon's entrance into the pharmaceutical business, and Teva's debt load. Given the challenges facing Teva, Eric recommended subscribers bet against the company. Eric originally made this call a couple years back, but he re-introduced the trade at InvestorPlace last fall. The trade bounced around for about a month. But last November, Teva began falling ... fast. So, on December 20th, Eric told his subscribers to take gains on their position. But here's what Eric did differently -- and it's something that often separates good investors from great investors ... Eric recommended taking 75% gains ... but only on one-quarter of the investment, keeping the rest of the trade open. It was a hard call, but that's what makes Eric a pro. So, how'd it turn out? Teva climbed for a couple months, but then began to fall again this past February. Eric kept holding. Finally, the collusion news hit headlines on May 13th, and Teva dropped 16%. Eric decided it was finally time to sell again. Another quarter -- this time locking in gains of 134% on the sold position. Over the next two days, investors continued to flee the stock, and Eric decided to take advantage. On May 15th, he sent subscribers another notice to sell their third quarter, locking in a gain of 162% on that portion.

Eric still holds a one-quarter position open -- trading at a 238% gain as I write. ***Eric's Speculator portfolio is littered with big winners There's Eric's LB Brands trade he closed in December of last year for an 86% gain ... the Invesco Solar ETF trade he closed in January for 118% ... a second Invesco solar trade, closed in February when it had climbed 287% ... his PagSeguro trade, closed this past June as a 210% winner ... then Detour Gold, closed in August with a 115% gain. By the way, there are several additional 100%+ winners in Eric's Speculator portfolio which I didn't share ... purely because you probably you get point by now. ***So, how can we make 10X our money today? Well, it turns out Eric has three major global trends in his crosshairs today. He believes each of these trends offers the chance to make 10X returns.
One involves something Eric calls "The Second Electric Revolution." Then there's a second trend affecting commerce, thanks to Amazon's colossal impact on the sector. And finally, there's a massive trend sweeping through the financial technology space -- you've probably heard it referenced as "FinTech."
Each one of these trends stands to create huge wealth for those investors who have the vision to see what's coming. To learn more about them, and Eric's specific ways to play them, click here.
So, my inner skeptic is somewhat assuaged as Eric's track record here at InvestorPlace speaks for itself. His portfolios are filled with triple-digit winners. Now, if only he would tell us which stock will be his 42nd quadruple-digit winner ...
Actually, on that note, Eric did give away the name of the one stock he believes is mostly likely to return 10X at his Beachfront Millionaire Summit last night. You can get that name for free, by watching the playback of the event. Click here for access -- but please watch soon, as we'll be taking the link down in a few days.
Have a good evening,
Jeff Remsburg
P.S. If you missed The Beachfront Millionaire Summit, here's the replay ... Yesterday, at the Beachfront Millionaire Summit, legendary investor Eric Fry revealed his "PRO System" on camera ...
It's the very strategy that allowed him to uncover 41 different 1,000%-plus opportunities over his three-decade career.
He even gave away the name and ticker symbol of the stock he believes will go up 1,000% next.
If you weren't able to attend, you can catch the second-chance replay right here. |
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