Hello Savio, Exciting news here at InvestorPlace! I’ve just gotten confirmation from two of our top analysts that they’re prepared to announce—and defend—their most controversial forecasts of 2020. They’re going to do it in person, here at our Baltimore offices, in less than a week. Why is this a big deal? Because both are predicting huge bull markets in their favorite investments. I’m talking about the kinds of powerful upward surges that can create not just millions or billions in wealth, but TRILLIONS. The kinds of gains that could change any investor’s financial situation in a major way. So what exactly are these analysts forecasting? Legendary growth investor Louis Navellier has gone out on a limb to predict that we could see Dow 40,000 in the next 12 months. And technology expert Matt McCall is confident that Bitcoin could hit 40,000 over the same time span. Now I don’t know about you, but when experts make bold predictions like this, I want to get the full story… Why they’re so bullish, what investments they think could be the biggest gainers, and even what could go wrong. And that’s exactly what they’re going to do. On Wednesday, August 5, at 4 p.m. ET, you’ll get to hear straight from Matt and Louis why the next 12 months could be the best of your life. They’ll share their reasons why they predict a TON of money is going to be made in their chosen asset while shooting holes in the other guy’s argument. I think it’ll be a lot of fun, but very educational, too. Now, we could charge a lot of money for this event, but both Matt and Louis wanted to make sure as many folks as possible could hear the full story. So, there’s absolutely no charge to attend, but you must sign up beforehand. To RSVP, simply click here. This is your invitation to join us for the special event we’re calling The Race to 40K. Hope to see you there. Regards,  Brian Hunt CEO, InvestorPlace |
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