Hello, Savio, Like many research firms, InvestorPlace is mostly a “work from home” business these days. Almost all of our employees can work remotely, so we’re erring on the side of caution as long as the coronavirus is still a threat. But we’re making an exception next week, because two of our top analysts just showed me research that could be game-changing for anyone who follows the stock market. Legendary growth investor Louis Navellier has run the numbers and is forecasting that we could see Dow 40,000 in the next 12 months. And technology guru Matt McCall is just as confident that bitcoin could hit 40,000 over the same time span. Now I don’t know about you, but when two experts have strong opinions on the opposite sides of an issue, I like to see them argue it out. In person. Not over the phone. So that’s exactly what they’re going to do. On Wednesday, August 5, at 4 p.m. ET, you’ll get to hear straight from Matt and Louis why the next 12 months could be the best of your life. They’ll share their reasons why they predict a TON of money is going to be made in their chosen asset while shooting holes in the other guy’s argument. I think it’ll be a lot of fun, but very educational, too. Of course, we’ve taken every precaution, but this is an event you simply have to see. Best of all, both Matt and Louis were adamant that as many folks as possible should get to hear the full story, so we’re not charging a penny for this special presentation. So consider this your invitation to join us for a special event we’re calling The Race to 40K. It’s free to attend, but you have to sign up beforehand. To RSVP, simply click here. Hope to see you there. Regards,  Brian Hunt CEO, InvestorPlace
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