Dear Savio, During tonight's Strategic Trader webinar, we're going to try to put your mind at ease about the start of October. We know October is a scary month for investors. After all, two of the worst days in market history happened in October. And things look bad this year, right? Well, heading into October 2020, things aren't as grim as you'd expect. Questions? We can answer them even if you can't make it to tonight's presentation. We'd love to hear from you, so feel free to send us an email at
First, we're still seeing consumer discretionary stocks outperform consumer staples stocks, which means the market isn't preparing for a collapse. Second, the CBOE S&P 500 Volatility Index has consolidated sideways for the last few weeks. In fact, if the VIX retests its recent support levels, it could be a very bullish sign for the market. Short-term pullbacks are normal during a long-term uptrend, and tonight, we'll try to make the case for being less concerned about the market this October. As always come with questions. We love hearing from you. After the market overview, we'll review all of our current positions and then answer as many subscriber questions as we can. To attend tonight's webinar, live at 8 p.m. ET click here To watch the archived version of our webinars, click this link. Tonight’s webinar should be posted by about 10 p.m. ET today. And during the week, you can send us your subscription and options-trading questions at This is the best, fastest way to reach us directly, and we'll do our best to respond to your questions. Sincerely,  John Jagerson and Wade Hansen Editors, Strategic Trader |
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