Dear Savio, During tonight's Strategic Trader webinar, we'll be looking at the market's record margin debt levels and why traders are so bullish on stocks. Instead of cautiously dipping their toes back into a bullish uptrend following the market bottom last March, traders have been on the largest borrowing spree of all time. As of February 2021, traders have borrowed a total of $813,680,000,000 to buy stocks. Questions? We can answer them even if you can't make it to tonight's presentation. We'd love to hear from you, so feel free to send us an email at | That means that in less than a year, Wall Street has borrowed an additional $334,389,000,000 to buy stocks. While there are some built-in risks with this amount of debt, which could lead to faster selloffs when they eventually come, seeing traders load up on so much margin debt gives us confidence that the current bullish uptrend still has legs. Throughout tonight's presentation, we'll talk in more detail about why we're confident in the market's uptrend and our current trades, and we'll answer as many subscriber questions as we can. To attend tonight's webinar live at 8 p.m. ET click here To watch the archived version of our webinars, click this link. Tonight's webinar should be posted by about 10 p.m. ET today. And during the week, you can send us your subscription and options-trading questions at This is the best, fastest way to reach us directly, and we'll do our best to respond to your questions. Sincerely,  John Jagerson and Wade Hansen Editors, Strategic Trader |
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