Hi Savio, I'm writing this using the internet. I sent you this email to tell you the new Ultimate Crypto issue is ready using the internet. My team and I did most of our research using the internet. I invest using the internet. I bought my house using the internet. And just about everything else… using the internet. The internet is everywhere, in every corner of our lives. It has reached the point where we would be lost without it. If you know anything about the fortunes that were made during the internet's boom years, then this will be music to your ears: Cryptocurrencies are on a remarkably similar trajectory. In the new Monthly Issue, we want to show you just how closely crypto growth is tracking internet growth, and what it means for the industry and our altcoins. It's exciting news. We'll also give you some guidance on building a crypto portfolio and show you how we incorporate important strategies here in Ultimate Crypto. I have updates for you on all our recommended coins, and then I want to answer a few important questions I've received from your fellow investors. Click here to read the full issue now. The next Amazon... the next Microsoft... the next Google... the next Netflix... the next millionaire-maker investment opportunities... they're out there in the crypto markets. It's our job to find those opportunities for you. We're off to a great start, and the best is yet to come. Sincerely,  Luke Lango Editor, Ultimate Crypto |
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