| | October 31, 2022 | | Luke Lango Editor, Hypergrowth Investing | This Top-Secret Tech Could Change the World More Than the Discovery of Fire  It is commonly appreciated in the scientific community that the discovery of fire was the most profound technological revolution in human history.
So, I found it quite interesting last month when I read that a director at Bank of America thinks that a top-secret technology that hardly anyone is talking about could be bigger for humankind than the discovery of fire!
That’s about as bold of a claim as you could make when it comes to technological megatrends. If true, this tech could be the most promising and lucrative investment opportunity of our – or anyone’s – lifetime. The director’s name? Haim Israel. Head of Global Thematic Investing Research at BofA.
His words? This technology could create “a revolution for humanity bigger than fire, bigger than the wheel.”
What on Earth is Mr. Israel talking about?
Two words: Quantum Computing. What Is Quantum Computing? Let me start my discussion of quantum computing by saying that the underlying physics of this technological breakthrough – quantum mechanics – is a big, complex topic that would require hundreds of pages to fully understand.
This complexity is partially why the economic implications of quantum computing are so profound. Back in the day, I’m sure fire wasn’t so easy to explain, either. Or the wheel, for that matter. But, alas, here’s my best attempt at explaining quantum mechanics (and computing) in as few words as possible.
For centuries, scientists have developed, tested, and validated the laws of the physical world – which are known as classical mechanics . These laws scientifically explain how things work. Why they work. Where they come from. So on and so forth.
But the discovery of the electron in 1897 by J.J. Thomson unveiled a new, subatomic world of super-small things that didn’t quite obey the laws of classical mechanics. They didn’t obey them at all, actually. Instead, they followed their own set of rules.
For starters, subatomic particles can theoretically exist in multiples places at once. Weird. I know. And this is why we needed a new set of laws to explain the behavior of subatomic particles. In classical mechanics, you and I can only be in one place, at one time. You are either at the store, or at home. But in quantum mechanics, subatomic particles can theoretically exist in multiple places at once before they are observed. A single subatomic particle can exist in point A and point B at the same time, until we observe it, at which point it only exists at either point A or point B.
So, the true “location” of a subatomic particle at any given time is some combination of all its possible locations. It can be everywhere, all at once. Magical. Yes. But, also true – and it’s a phenomenon we call quantum superpositioning.  | | SPONSORED Emergency Broadcast: Divergence Is Here 14 years ago, a rare divergence anomaly turned market volatility into back-tested gains of 2,150%, 591%, and 861%...during the 2008 financial crisis. It's happening again, and Luke Lango is giving away his #1 stock to play it in 2022. [WATCH NOW] See the full story here | | Another quantum phenomenon is that, in classical mechanics, objects can only “work” with things that are also “real”. You can’t use your imaginary friend to help move the couch. You need your real friend to help you.
But, in quantum mechanics, you sort of can use your imaginary friend. That is, remember how the true location of a subatomic particle is the combination of all of its probabilistic states? Well, all of those probabilistic states are not independent. They’re entangled. So, if we know something about the probabilistic positioning of one subatomic particle, then we know something about the probabilistic positioning of another subatomic particle. It’s all connected, meaning that theoretically, all of these probabilistic states can work together, all at once.
This is called quantum entanglement. Between entanglement and superpositioning, subatomic particles can theoretically have multiple probabilistic states at once, and all those probabilistic states can work together – again, all at once – to accomplish some task.
Pretty wild, right?
It goes against everything classical mechanics had taught us about the world. It goes against common sense. But it’s true. It’s real. And, now, for the first time ever, we are leaning how to harness this unique phenomenon to change everything about everything…
This is why Mr. Israel is so excited about quantum computing. It’s why he thinks it could be more revolutionary than the discovery of fire or the invention of the wheel.
I couldn’t agree more.
Mark my words. Everything will change over the next few years because of quantum mechanics – and some investors are going to make a lot of money. Quantum Computing Will Change the World The study of quantum theory has made huge advancements over the past century, especially so over the past decade. Scientists at leading technology companies have started to figure out how to harness the magical powers of quantum mechanics to make a new generation of super quantum computers that are infinitely faster and more powerful than even today’s fastest supercomputers.
In Mr. Israel’s own words: “By the end of this decade, the amount of calculations that we can make [on a quantum computer] will be more than the atoms in the visible universe.”
Again, the physics behind quantum computers is highly complex, but once again, here’s my Cliff’s Notes version… Today’s computers are built on top of the laws of classical mechanics. That is, they store information on what are called bits – which can store data binarily as either “1” or “0.”
But what if you could harness the power of quantum mechanics to turn those classical bits into quantum bits – or qubits – that can leverage superpositioning to be both “1” and “0” data stores at the same time?
Even further, what if you could take those quantum bits and leverage entanglement to get all of these multi-state bits to work together to solve computationally taxing problems? You would theoretically create a machine with so much computational power that it would make even today’s most advanced supercomputers look like they are from the Stone Age.
That’s exactly what is happening today.  Google has built a quantum computer that is about 158 million times faster than the world’s fastest supercomputer.
That’s not hyperbole. That’s a real number.
Imagine the possibilities if we could broadly create a new set of quantum computers 158 million times faster than even today’s fastest computers….
We’d finally have the level of AI that you see in movies. That’s because the biggest limitation to AI today is the robustness of machine learning algorithms, which are constrained by supercomputing capacity. Expand that capacity, and you get infinitely improved machine learning algos, and infinitely smarter AI.
We could eradicate disease. We already have tools like gene editing, but the effectiveness of gene editing relies of the robustness of the underlying computing capacity to identify, target, insert, cut, and repair genes. Insert quantum computing capacity, and all that happens without an error in seconds – allowing for us to truly fix anything about anyone.
We could finally have that million-mile EV. We can only improve batteries if we can test them, and we can only test them in the real-world so much. Therefore, the key to unlocking a million-mile battery is through simulation, and the quickness and effectiveness of simulations rest upon the robustness of the underlying computing capacity. Make that capacity 158 million times bigger, and cellular simulation will happen 158 million times faster.
The economic opportunities here are truly endless. Solving Today’s Problems One of the issues I have with emerging technological breakthroughs at a time like this is that they tend to be focused on solving tomorrow’s problems, when we actually need stuff to solve today’s problems.
But quantum computing isn’t that. Instead, quantum computing could prove mission-critical in helping us solve today’s problems.
A prime example? The making of a million-mile EV.
We’re in the midst of a global energy crisis defined by soaring oil prices. As a result, we’re all paying $5 or more per gallon for gas. That’s unreal. And it’s hurting everyone. The ultimate “fix”, of course, is to get everyone to buy electric vehicles. But EVs are technologically limited today – they cap out at about 250 miles of driving range, on average. They’re also pretty expensive.
Quantum computing could fundamentally change that.
Quantum computing could allow us to create a million-mile EV rather soon, and dramatically reduce the costs of EV manufacturing through material simulation and battery optimization modeling.  In other words, with the help of quantum computing, we could only be years – not decades – away from $15,000 electric vehicles that can drive for up to 1,000 miles on a single charge.
Indeed, major EV makers like Hyundai and Volkswagen are already using quantum computers to make the next generation of high-performance, low-cost EVs – the EVs that actually drive as far as your gas car and cost less than it, too!
Those are the EVs that will change the world. Not today’s $70,000 Tesla cars and $100,000+ Lucid cars. The EVs that will change the world will drive 1,000+ miles and cost less than $15,000.
Quantum computing is the key to making those EVs. Alas, I repeat: Quantum computing isn’t a science-fiction project that will help the world in 10 years; it is a breakthrough technology that can help solve the world’s problems today!
The most pertinent application? Electric vehicles. | | SPONSORED WARNING: Massive Bear Market “Divergence Event” Ahead Divergence came for investors during the peak of the 2008 financial crisis, the Dot-Com crash, and Black Monday in 1987. Today, Luke Lango – a self-made millionaire and investing prodigy – says this event is just ahead in 2022. If you’re holding onto cash, you’re in for a rude awakening. Get the facts here. Learn More | | The Final Word Quantum computing is the most underrated and most transformational technological breakthrough since the internet.
In fact, it may be bigger than the internet. As Mr. Isreal said, it may bigger than the discovery of fire itself.
The first tangible, value-additive application of quantum computing technology? Electric vehicles.
We truly believe that quantum computing will meaningfully accelerate the EV Revolution over the next few years through the development of new EVs that last forever and cost next to nothing.
Forget Tesla. You need to be focused on the next wave of EV makers that will make these quantum-enabled cars.
Believe it or not, one of the companies will likely be Apple (AAPL).
Yep. You read that right. The world’s largest company is reportedly preparing to launch an electric vehicle soon. Given their expertise in creating home-run-hit hardware products, we think Apple’s coming electric car will be the EV that drives us into an electric future.
And guess what? We found a tiny $5 stock that we believe is set to become the exclusive supplier of the single most important technology for the Apple Car.
According to our numbers, this stock could soar 40X from current levels.
Not 10X. Not 20X. Not 30X. But 40X. A potential investment that turns every $10,000 into $400,000.
It is an investment opportunity that you need to hear about today. Sincerely, | | Luke Lango Editor, Hypergrowth Investing On the date of publication, Luke Lango did not have (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article. | | | |
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